Pet Care

The holding of a companion animal in our home implies several responsibilities regarding its care and attention that we must know about. Below are a series of recommendations relating to these aspects:


The first thing you have to ask yourself is whether you are willing to adopt an animal and whether it suits you. To do this, you should be willing to devote some of your time to the new pet, be patient and persevering, share some of your free time with the animal and be able to act firmly in the face of your possible behavior.

To make a living with the dog as best as possible, it is essential to take into account the characteristics of each breed and to provide adequate care during the first few weeks.


Bath: experts do not agree on the frequency of bathing. In general, it should not be less than once a month. Some authors point out that it should be done when they need it, for example,e when the hair is dirty. Although cats are usually less tolerant than dogs in the bathroom, it is possible to get the kitten to accept it and get used to it. Special gels are recommended for pets.

  • Brushing: the best way to maintain your hygiene without altering your skin is daily brushing.
  • Ears: they should be cleaned with a gauze. There are specific products, they are put into the ear canal, and the area is massaged, then cleaned with the gauze.
  • Nails: in dogs that do not wear well,l they must be cut, especially in the Spurs. For a cat,s there are scratching accessories on the market so that cats keep their nails in perfect condition.
  • Dental check – by gently pressing your mouth joint with your fingers, your cat will open your mouth so you can see the state of your teeth. Teeth are cleaned by themselves when chewing dry feed or biting special toys.

Dogs are social and hierarchical animals: this means that they need since puppies to know and assume their “position” in the family and outside (in the park, in the presence of strange people at home, in the usual places of passage such as the veterinary clinic, in family homes, etc.)

There is a fundamental period in the development of the behavior called “awareness period” that ranges from 3 to 10 weeks and during which the puppy must assimilate everything that happens in its environment. The socialization of the animal makes them better accept other animals, both of their species and others, and habituation makes them able to cope with the environmental stimuli that are to be found throughout their lives.


Female dogs can have their first heat between 6 and 10 months of age. Cats can be jealous several times in a row,w, and their cycles are influenced by ambient temperature and sunlight.

Vaginal bleeding is a regular occurrence in female pets and occurs in the first phase of the cycle. This phase lasts ten days on average but can vary between 3 days and three weeks. At this stage,e the males are attracted, but the females are not yet receptive.

When a cat is in heat, she is restless, goes from one side to the other, barely eats, rubs herself against the ground,d and constantly mauls. When the cat is ready for matin,g it will be done several times, usually with several other cats.

Sterilization is a surgical process that consists of the complete or partial removal of the reproductive organs and is performed in both males and females. This procedure increases their quality and life expectancy as it reduces the chance of uterine infections, tumors, and diseases of the reproductive organs.

There are other methods of reproduction control based on the application of drugs but oral or injected, although the method of choice is castration for three reasons: to prevent unwanted gestations, to prevent the development of diseases mentioned above, and to control or eliminate behavior related to sex hormones.


In general, both cats and dogs need to be dewormed and vaccinated. Your veterinarian will establish the vaccination schedule, and the annual doses for most vaccines in adult animals and puppies will vary according to each protocol.

If you find that your pet does not eat or is decayed, go to the veterinarian. When you go to the veterinarian, note the abnormal symptoms that you may have seen in your dog or cat, in case of cats, transfer it on a carrier, and do not leave it loose in the waiting room.


For the pet to be healthy and fit, you should exercise regularly. However, it is necessary to avoid the hours of the day when it is warmer, as the dog tends to spend them sleeping. Also, as individuals, dogs suffer injuries, twists, and sprains, so their physical activity must be monitored and care must be taken to ensure that they do not exceed the exercise or engage in dangerous activities.

Exercise is necessary to allow the dog to express healthy canine behaviors, such as exploring, following odorous trails, addition, you can use that time to improve training and strengthen pet-owner relationships.

Cats need a formal exercise they find outside the House (courtyards, gardens). When the cat stays continuously inside the house, the owner must provide the animal with a game activity that meets its physical and mental needs.

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